2008 USA Sale Results (based on sales reported on Holstein Central)
Number of Sales Reported
Number of Head Sold
Avg Price 
Gross Dollars
2008 100 7,950 $6,186 $49,183,749
2007 100 8,737 $4,114 $35,941,855
2006 88 8,763 $3,871 $33,926,452
2005 104 10,105  $3,631   $36,693,640


TOP TEN Averaging Sales 2008
# sold
High Seller
Global Glamour  28-Jul 54 $97,491 $1,000,000
World Classic  3-Oct 45 $25,213 $97,000
Parade of Perfection 1-Mar 124 $19,845 $190,000
Branson Limited Sale 6-Mar 46 $16,959 $81,000
Regancrest Command Performance 3-May 91 $16,768 $94,000
Legends of the Fall 25-Oct 68 $14,891 $150,000
WI National Sale 24-Jun 86 $12,831 $67,000
Royal Flush III Sale 5-Dec
$11,590 $80,000
Prime Time V at Sherona 1-Oct 72 $10,800 $140,000
Pride of Washington 16-Feb 12 $10,600 $17,000

Click here for all 2008 sales sorted by average price

High Seller
Global Glamour  28-Jul 54 $97,491 $5,264,514 $1,000,000
Parade of Perfection 1-Mar 124 $19,845 $2,460,780 $190,000
Regancrest C-P Sale 3-May 91 $16,768 $1,525,888 $94,000
Top Ten Sale 13-Dec 130 $9,112 $1,184,560 $110,000
Liddleholme Dispersal 12-May 154 $7,573 $1,166,242 $54,000
World Classic  3-Oct 45 $25,213 $1,134,585 $97,000
Kingsmill II Sale 6-Jun 123 $8,983 $1,104,909 $50,000
WI National Sale 24-Jun 86 $12,831 $1,103,466 $67,000
Legends of the Fall 25-Oct 68 $14,891 $1,012,588 $150,000
Brigeen Blast  5-Jul 112 $7,650 $856,800 $123,000


Highest Selling Females-USA
Global Glamour at Arethusa July 28 $1,000,000
The highest averaging sale in recent history was topped by KHW Regiment Apple-ET VG 89 2y who sold for $1,000,000 to Apple Partners, LLC - Tom Schmitt, IA; Tim Rauen, IA; John Erbsen, IA; Mike Deaver, WI; & George Kasbergen, IL.
Global Glamour at Arethusa Oct 27 $610,000
Second high at the Global Glamour sale was Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG 88 2y who sold for $610,000 to White Gold Dairy LTD and ADI Cattle Corp. She became the Number 1 CTPI Cow in August and remains Number 1 in the January Index run.
Cowtown International Showcase III Nov 21 $410,000


Gloryland Liberty Rae EX 92 sold to Cowtown Holsteins, VT, consigned by Liberty Rae Associates, David Tait, Steve Collins, Roy Mitchell, and Alphie Stoltzfus.

Click here for all 2008 sales sorted by average price


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