2011 Sales Reported at Holstein Central sorted by Avg. -- Click here for Top Sales Info
Name of Sale Date Number Sold Avg Price High Seller Gross
Planet Holstein Sale 6-Oct 59 $31,044 $200,000 $1,831,596
Destination Las Vegas Sale 2-Dec 40 $28,085 $102,000 $1,123,400
World Classic Sale 7-Oct 43 $27,295 $82,000 $1,173,685
North American Breeders Showcase 5-Mar 100 $23,483 $150,000 $2,348,300
Destination Hawaii Sale 3-Feb 24 $21,279 $76,000 $510,696
Legends of the Fall Sale 27-Oct 58 $19,475 $125,000 $1,129,550
National Holstein Convention Sale 25-Jun 105 $14,810 $66,000 $1,555,050
Regancrest Summer Select Sale 19-Aug 82 $13,757 $87,000 $1,128,074
Butlerview Memorial Day Sale 30-May 90 $13,500 $61,000 $1,215,000
Holiday ET Extravaganza 26-Jan 17 $13,353 $72,000 $227,001
Best of Rudolph Missy & Pine Tree Dairy 18-Nov 81 $11,784 $92,000 $954,504
Breeders Holiday Classic Sale 15-Dec 94 $9,685 $160,000 $910,390
Chosen Few of 2011 27-May 30 $9,600 $35,000 $288,000
Washington Convention Sale 18-Feb 20 $8,605 $18,500 $172,100
Central Wi Summer Event Sale 21-Jul 84 $8,409 $38,000 $706,356
NY Convention ET Sale 13-Jan 30 $8,097 $51,000 $242,910
St Jacobs Celebration Sale 15-Jul 21 $6,580 $38,500 $138,180
Holiday Harvest Futures Sale 22-Dec 22 $6,450 $13,500 $141,900
Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation  21-May 115 $6,221 $41,000 $715,415
Crown Jewel Sale 19-Mar 118 $5,983 $37,200 $705,994
Crown Jewel Sale 19-Mar 118 $5,983 $37,200 $705,994
Wisconsin Convention Sale 18-Feb 37 $5,568 $20,000 $206,016
Iowa Spring Holstein Sale  19-Mar 67 $5,040 $37,000 $337,680
Milksource Main Event 25-Mar 109 $4,879 $26,000 $531,811
Maryland State Holstein Sale 16-Jul 79 $4,698 $20,000 $371,142
New York Spring Holstein Sale 9-Apr 67 $4,673 $14,300 $313,091
Pride of Woodlawn Sale 7-May 95 $4,573 $26,000 $434,435
Arethusa-Kueffner Klassic II  19-Aug 112 $4,443 $25,000 $497,616
Field of Dreams - Holsteins 28-May 74 $4,377 $17,500 $323,898
Eastern Elite Sale 21-Sep 80 $4,160 $15,500 $332,800
Kingsmill Farm II Dispersal 13-May 188 $4,096 $34,000 $770,048
ZBW Special Edition Sale 15-Oct 102 $4,064 $30,000 $414,528
Spruce-Haven Select Sale 9-Jul 111 $4,022 $60,000 $446,442
National R&W Convention Sale 23-Jul 102 $3,934 $20,000 $401,268
Holiday Harvest Sale 23-Dec 73 $3,766 $30,000 $274,918
Dodgerama Sale 9-Apr 64 $3,716 $13,000 $237,824
New York Holstein Harvest sale 5-Nov 85 $3,705 $19,000 $314,925
Magic of Maui 17-Sep 156 $3,625 $78,000 $565,500
Fieldstone-Pinehurst Dispersal 28-Feb 78 $3,580 $11,000 $279,240
Pennsylvania Convention Sale 19-Feb 62 $3,471 $23,000 $215,202
Great Northern 30th Anniversary Sale 22-Oct 80 $3,351 $21,500 $268,080
3rd GTPI Sale 11-Feb 84 $3,306 $15,500 $277,704
Carpenters Tools of the Trade Sale 15-Jul 107 $3,305 $28,000 $353,635
Elm Park Farm Dispersal 30-Apr 166 $3,253 $41,000 $539,998
Sunny Valley Dispersale 2-Apr 102 $3,202 $18,800 $326,604
Mid-East Impact Sale 11-Mar 93 $3,198 $21,000 $297,414
Springtime Show Window 9-Apr 66 $3,169 $8,000 $209,154
Haven-Maid/ Doubletree Invitational 30-Apr 39 $3,153 $14,100 $122,967
KishHolm Summer Sensation Sale 11-Jun 67 $3,082 $11,000 $206,494
CA Convention Sale 27-Jan 30 $3,080 $5,900 $92,400
Illini Golden Opportunity Sale 23-Oct 84 $3,060 $12,000 $257,040
Plankenhorn Dispersal 14-Oct 69 $3,052 $12,600 $210,588
Ladinodale Dispersal 25-May 100 $3,036 $57,000 $303,600
Badger Invitational Sale 12-Mar 57 $2,939 $10,100 $167,523
Castleholm Holsteins Dispersal 4-Apr 167 $2,934 $13,000 $489,978
VA Tech Showcase Sale 29-Oct 51 $2,804 $7,400 $143,004
CTC Celebration Sale 9-Dec 229 $2,800 $19,000 $641,200
Raising the Roof Sale 29-Oct 60 $2,798 $16,000 $167,880
Rock Home Dispersal 1-Apr 199 $2,720 $20,000 $541,280
Vision Gen & Partners Elite Offerings 18-Mar 98 $2,667 $12,700 $261,366
Cobleskill 30th Dairy Fashions Sale 2-Apr 83 $2,649 $12,700 $219,867
29th Morrisville Autumn Review  10-Sep 79 $2,641 $7,000 $208,639
Virginia Sale of Stars 5-Aug 93 $2,633 $9,000 $244,869
Abraxas Holsteins Dispersal 28-May 40 $2,627 $8,600 $105,080
George Dairy Farm Dispersal 2-May 270 $2,550 $20,000 $688,500
Vision-Gen & Partners Elite Offerings 21-Oct 109 $2,538 $23,000 $276,642
37th Clinton County Classic Sale 26-Mar 105 $2,490 $5,600 $261,450
Northwest Sizzler  20-May 76 $2,460 $6,200 $186,960
Landis Mark of Excellence Sale 16-Sep 80 $2,452 $8,050 $196,160
Nittany Lions Fall Classic 5-Nov 82 $2,449 $10,500 $200,818
Southeast PA Summer Celebration 15-Jul 44 $2,447 $6,600 $107,668
TN Spring Spectacular  19-Mar 62 $2,395 $5,600 $148,490
Michigan-Indiana Spring Sale 25-Mar 100 $2,379 $5,400 $237,900
59th Southern Invitational Sale 16-Apr 85 $2,365 $8,000 $201,025
Jerland Complete Dispersal 8-Sep 190 $2,356 $16,000 $447,640
Western National Heritage Sale 19-May 39 $2,328 $5,000 $90,792
Barron Spring Sale 23-Apr 77 $2,303 $4,150 $177,331
MN Spring Special 2-Apr 134 $2,250 $7,500 $301,500
Misty-Crest Holsteins Dispersal 4-Apr 99 $2,225 $4,950 $220,275
Benton Farm Dispersal 10-Nov 67 $2,118 $8,700 $141,906
Oregon Main Event Sale 8-Jul 50 $2,050 $6,400 $102,500
Ideal Holsteins Dispersal 16-Apr 159 $2,050 $5,300 $325,950
Southeast PA Fall Harvest Sale 29-Oct 78 $2,042 $5,200 $159,276
Taste of North-Rush Sale 22-Oct 87 $2,026 $4,100 $176,262
Southeast PA Spring Sale 26-Mar 80 $2,002 $4,800 $160,160
Buckeye Sale 1-Apr 52 $1,996 $3,500 $103,792
63rd OHM Club Sale 15-Oct 86 $1,967 $3,600 $169,162
Green / Rock County Sale 19-Mar 53 $1,936 $3,000 $102,608
Glen Mild Holsteins Dispersal 26-Apr 122 $1,923 $4,400 $234,606
Bennett Farms MH & BH Dispersal 28-Oct 118 $1,897 $5,500 $223,846
Pentuck Dispersal 14-May 285 $1,857 $7,100 $529,245
Erickson Farm Dispersal 3-Dec 98 $1,796 $4,100 $176,008
Fern-Hill Farm Sale 12-Nov 102 $1,730 $2,400 $176,460
Chestnut-Hyll Dispersal 10-Mar 92 $1,426 $5,000 $131,192

Average for 2011

  8416 $4,575   $38,504,967

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